66 Days- Ayahuasquero Initiation

July 25th – Sept. 28th 2024


This retreat was inspired by our beloved teacher, Don Benigno‘s desire to share as many of his teachings before his departure to the heavenly realms. At 83, with his health gradually declining, he is uncertain how much longer he will be with us. Remarkably, his work with Ayahuasca and his ceremonies are still imbued with magic, but he believes this retreat will be the last of its kind as he cannot commit to any long retreats in the future.

Studying plant medicines in the traditional manner is essential for anyone who wishes to truly experience the essence of Ayahuasca shamanism. Considering that many traditions are disappearing, it is an honor to have the opportunity to learn from someone who practiced long before it became a tourist attraction.

Over a nine-week program, you will be initiated into the shamanic tradition of the mestizo ayahuasqueros, distinguished by their icaros, which are a mix of Spanish and Quechua languages. It is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and connection to nature spirits and plants, characterized by various plant dietas and internal work, along with Ayahuasca ceremonies.

If you cannot commit to the entire retreat, there is also the possibility of joining us for only one or for multiple dietas of your choice. Additionally, you have the option to participate in the 5-day introductory course, with or without the subsequent dietas.



Amazon Soma

It is recommended that all participants arrive at least one day prior to the dates of the retreat if possible. It is good to have some rest after the trip, overcoming the jet lag and getting ready for the jungle. We can help you to find the right accommodation in town.


66 days complete program:
Inc. 6 Plant dietas, 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, Ayahuasca preparation, Purgatives,
Plant baths

10 days dieta program:
Inc. 1 Plant dieta(8days), 3 Ayahuasca ceremonies, Plant bath

5 days introduction program:
Inc. 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies, Ayahuasca preparation, Purgatives, Plant bath

Also inc. in price : Transportation from Iquitos to the center and back, Reach vegan meals / dieta food during the retreat, Private mosquito proof hut. 


During the first five days, you will participate in the preparation of the Ayahuasca brew and be introduced to different tools used in the ceremony, such as the icaros, mapacho, and perfumes. You will also engage in cleansing rituals involving the intake of purgative plants and baths with aromatic plants to cleanse the body and mind, preparing you for the dieta.

The following 60 days will be dedicated to six different plant dietas, each lasting eight days, with a two-day break in between for integration and Q&A with the teacher. The dieta, an essential part of this tradition and considered the highest rank of teaching practice, will occupy the majority of the time. For optimal benefits, it is necessary to follow the dieta rules, maintain solitude, and avoid interacting with other participants, except during Ayahuasca ceremonies.

The training will also offer 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies. The first ceremony will take place on the second night after brewing fresh Ayahuasca. The subsequent 18 ceremonies will follow a rhythm of three ceremonies per dieta: an opening ceremony the night before the dieta, a mid-dieta ceremony, and a closing ceremony on the last night of each dieta. This pattern will be repeated for every dieta, with an additional ceremony two nights after the last dieta ceremony as an official closing ceremony of the training.

We will depart around midday to our center. A minibus awaits to ferry us 44km from the city, leading on the primary road to Nauta. For the final kilometer, a dirt road emerges, accessible solely during the dry season and clear weather. Should these conditions align, our journey culminates at the center’s entrance. Alternatively, a brief 1km stroll beckons us if nature’s whims dictate otherwise.

Upon arrival at the center, you will be accommodated in your hut and given a brief walkthrough of the property. This will be followed by the process of washing and smashing the Ayahuasca vine in preparation for the next day’s cooking.

We will begin early in the morning with the preparation of the ayahuasca brew, which will take all day to cook. Afterward, there will be a period of rest leading up to the first ayahuasca ceremony at night.

You will be introduced to shamanic tools such as mapacho, perfumes, and icaros.

The day will include the preparation of plant purgatives to cleanse the body, and later, there will be a Q&A session with the teacher.

Additionally, plant baths will be prepared for the spiritual cleansing. In the evening, an ayahuasca ceremony will take place to mark the beginning of the dieta.

Following the ayahuasca ceremony the previous night, you will have begun adhering to the Dieta guidelines. In the morning, you will receive a plant remedy that corresponds with the specific plant you are dieting with. Depending on the plant, some remedies are taken daily, while others are administered only during the initial days. During this period, you will engage primarily in contemplation to allow the remedy to have its full effect. To enhance this process, ayahuasca ceremonies will be conducted on the 4th and 8th nights of the Dieta.

The morning after the last ceremony, your Dieta will be formally concluded, and you will transition into the post-Dieta phase. This allows you to interact with others, partake in social activities, and follow a post-Dieta friendly diet. The focus will then shift to integrating the teachings of the Dieta, accompanied by a Q&A with the teacher. The subsequent day will be dedicated to further integration work, culminating in an ayahuasca ceremony at night.

Following the ayahuasca ceremony the previous night, you will have begun adhering to the Dieta guidelines. In the morning, you will receive a plant remedy that corresponds with the specific plant you are dieting with. Depending on the plant, some remedies are taken daily, while others are administered only during the initial days. During this period, you will engage primarily in contemplation to allow the remedy to have its full effect. To enhance this process, ayahuasca ceremonies will be conducted on the 4th and 8th nights of the Dieta.

The morning after the last ceremony, your Dieta will be formally concluded, and you will transition into the post-Dieta phase. This allows you to interact with others, partake in social activities, and follow a post-Dieta friendly diet. The focus will then shift to integrating the teachings of the Dieta, accompanied by a Q&A with the teacher. The subsequent day will be dedicated to further integration work, culminating in an ayahuasca ceremony at night.

Following the ayahuasca ceremony the previous night, you will have begun adhering to the Dieta guidelines. In the morning, you will receive a plant remedy that corresponds with the specific plant you are dieting with. Depending on the plant, some remedies are taken daily, while others are administered only during the initial days. During this period, you will engage primarily in contemplation to allow the remedy to have its full effect. To enhance this process, ayahuasca ceremonies will be conducted on the 4th and 8th nights of the Dieta.

The morning after the last ceremony, your Dieta will be formally concluded, and you will transition into the post-Dieta phase. This allows you to interact with others, partake in social activities, and follow a post-Dieta friendly diet. The focus will then shift to integrating the teachings of the Dieta, accompanied by a Q&A with the teacher. The subsequent day will be dedicated to further integration work, culminating in an ayahuasca ceremony at night.

Following the ayahuasca ceremony the previous night, you will have begun adhering to the Dieta guidelines. In the morning, you will receive a plant remedy that corresponds with the specific plant you are dieting with. Depending on the plant, some remedies are taken daily, while others are administered only during the initial days. During this period, you will engage primarily in contemplation to allow the remedy to have its full effect. To enhance this process, ayahuasca ceremonies will be conducted on the 4th and 8th nights of the Dieta.

The morning after the last ceremony, your Dieta will be formally concluded, and you will transition into the post-Dieta phase. This allows you to interact with others, partake in social activities, and follow a post-Dieta friendly diet. The focus will then shift to integrating the teachings of the Dieta, accompanied by a Q&A with the teacher. The subsequent day will be dedicated to further integration work, culminating in an ayahuasca ceremony at night.

Following the ayahuasca ceremony the previous night, you will have begun adhering to the Dieta guidelines. In the morning, you will receive a plant remedy that corresponds with the specific plant you are dieting with. Depending on the plant, some remedies are taken daily, while others are administered only during the initial days. During this period, you will engage primarily in contemplation to allow the remedy to have its full effect. To enhance this process, ayahuasca ceremonies will be conducted on the 4th and 8th nights of the Dieta.

The morning after the last ceremony, your Dieta will be formally concluded, and you will transition into the post-Dieta phase. This allows you to interact with others, partake in social activities, and follow a post-Dieta friendly diet. The focus will then shift to integrating the teachings of the Dieta, accompanied by a Q&A with the teacher. The subsequent day will be dedicated to further integration work, culminating in an ayahuasca ceremony at night.

Following the ayahuasca ceremony the previous night, you will have begun adhering to the Dieta guidelines. In the morning, you will receive a plant remedy that corresponds with the specific plant you are dieting with. Depending on the plant, some remedies are taken daily, while others are administered only during the initial days. During this period, you will engage primarily in contemplation to allow the remedy to have its full effect. To enhance this process, ayahuasca ceremonies will be conducted on the 4th and 8th nights of the Dieta.

The morning after the last ceremony, your Dieta will be formally concluded, and you will transition into the post-Dieta phase. This allows you to interact with others, partake in social activities, and follow a post-Dieta friendly diet. The focus will then shift to integrating the teachings of the Dieta, accompanied by a Q&A with the teacher. The subsequent day will be dedicated to further integration work, culminating in a closing ayahuasca ceremony at night.

We’ll depart the center back to Iquitos after lunch.


The dieta plants offered in this training are six master plants that Don Benigno has closely worked with over the years. They stand as pillars of protection, healing, and wisdom.

  •  Tabaco (Nicotiana rustica)
  •  Ajo Sacha (Mansoa alliacea)
  •  Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia)
  •  Chiric Sanango (Brunfelsia grandiflora)
  •  Huaira Caspi (Cedrelinga catenaeformis)
  •  Ayahuma (Couroupita guianensis)


Each plant, with its distinct essence and spirit, offers a path to profound transformation, healing, and learning. Creating a unique connection with the dietero that may be slightly different experienced by different individuals.

Tabaco, revered for its protective aura, cleanses the energetic field, fortifying the spirit against unseen adversities. It sharpens the mind, deepens meditative practices, and connects the seeker with the ancestral realm, serving as a guardian and guide.

Ajo Sacha, with its garlic-like aroma, acts as a shield, warding off negative energies while opening the mind to the luminous world of spirits and enhancing dreams. It aids in emotional release, detoxifies the body, and enhances one’s attunement with the natural world, fostering a deep sense of belonging and peace.

Bobinsana, is a heart-opening plant known for its pink flowers and spiritual healing properties. It fosters emotional healing, empathy, and connection to nature, enhancing spiritual insights. Bobinsana strengthens the immune system and promotes vitality, offering a journey to balance and compassion.

Chiric Sanango, known for its powerful energy that helps to increase mental clarity, libido and self-esteem. His healing properties are specifically great for the central nervous system and musculoskeletal and can alleviate pain associated with conditions like arthritis and rheumatism. He often confronts the dietero with physical and spiritual challenges that one has to overcome, and it is not unusual to experience chills and shivering during this dieta.

Huaira Caspi, the “air tree,” brings lightness and clarity to the mind, dissolving negative thought patterns and uplifting the spirit and the body. It embodies the pinnacle of spiritual healing as an aerial medicine, granting profound spiritual insights and remarkable healing capabilities. It balances the heart and mind, promoting a state of tranquility and heightened awareness that aligns the dieta with the rhythmic flow of nature.

Ayahuma, is notable for its grand size and unique, round fruits that mirror the appearance of cannonballs. This tree serves as a crucial master plant offering grounding strength and emotional healing. It assists in releasing past traumas, anchoring the spirit in the present moment where true healing and transformation can occur. Ayahuma’s teachings imbue the dietero and help guarding against malevolent spirits, and shielding from the ill effects of sorcery or witchcraft.

What to Expect from This Retreat?

While it is advisable to approach teacher plants and dietas without specific expectations—since outcomes can differ from person to person—it is fair to say that this retreat is a significant step towards becoming an Ayahuasquero. During the course you will be provided with the essential tools and teachings facilitating Ayahuasca ceremonies independently.
However, some individuals may require additional time to prepare for such practice as there are many different factors that will determine such decision.

You surely will forge a profound connection with plant spirits and nature, leading you through a transformative process of healing and growth. This evolution will not only elevate your spirit but also illuminate your path as a curandero.

About the Teachings

This retreat follows a traditional practice centered around a teacher-student relationship. Rather than modern lectures, you will learn through direct interaction with the teacher, asking questions, and absorbing knowledge through experience. For those not fluent in Spanish, translation will be available to ensure understanding and facilitate learning.

The retreat will also receive support from Claudette and Walker, a newly married couple who are fluent in both Spanish and English.

Claudette Deliann

Claudette is a graduate student of psychology, certified in cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. She is the founder of Among The Island Fungi which is a psychedelic harm reduction community. Her teachings include a somatic approach, trauma-informed, mindfulness, authentic relating and holistic practices. She began her journey in psychedelics 9 years ago exploring the self and the unconscious mind with different earth based practices. She embarked to the amazonian jungle to learn with Kambo Naturista and the Matsés Tribe, where she learned how to safely facilitate kambo medicine. Claudette has been working as an apprentice with different elder ayahuasqueros in Borikén (Puerto Rico). Thanks to the integration of holistic approaches and ancient technology she has been able to navigate and dissolve generational traumas, addictions, depressions, self-esteem problems, and childhood traumas. Claudette holds monthly women’s gatherings for the community, and also she carries the altar of the little ones. Her teachings and guidance involves reprogramming of the mind, connecting with one’s own self healer, somatic practices and earth base shamanic healing.

Walker Mort

Walker Mort is a seasoned facilitator of men’s work, medicine journeys, authentic relating practices, and conflict mediation. With experience in non-violent communication, he uses high level reflecting skills to identify relevant needs and help people feel fully heard. He holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work and a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy, and is a certified Yoga Teacher through Samadhi Institute. He is a Thai massage practitioner, a acro yoga instructor, Tantra practitioner, and a co-founder of an intentional community in Mayaguez, PR. His offerings include working with the men’s group SolEs, as well as one-on-one counseling focused on helping connect individuals with their deepest purpose and in the process navigating the shedding of old versions of the self.

Together, Claudette & Walker are the lead facilitators of the Among The Island Fungi community where they intertwine their teachings to support the community in preparation for and integration of peak experiences. They have a combined three years of experience living in intentional communities which has strongly shaped the energy they bring to this work. They are passionate about creating clearings in people’s lives for safe and revelatory encounters.



  • Older than 21 years
  • Previous ayahuasca experience necessary
  • Personal or a video chat with the orginzer
  • Physically and mentally capable of undergoing such a retreat
  • Free of antidepressants (SSRI) for over a month prior to the retreat

 For a better attention, the retreat will be held in a small group. 

For payment information, please contact us.