About Kambo Naturista
Kambo Naturista was founded in 2015 by Deyan G, an established Kambo practitioner at the time. The motivation behind the project was to spread knowledge about Kambo and other natural and shamanic medicines. This was essential, as at this time Kambo had only just started to gain global popularity on a bigger scale, and there were fewer than 100 experienced practitioners outside the Amazon jungle.
Deyan had spent long periods in the Amazon jungle, studying traditional and shamanic healing methods. He also had years of experience as a Kambo practitioner working internationally. He was able to combine all this knowledge and experience to create a unique system that is thought by Kambo Naturista.
The first Kambo Naturista training took place in January 2016. It was the 1st Kambo training ever organized in Peru, and the 1st one anywhere to combine traditional Kambo teachings, shamanic practices, the Kambo dieta and the modern methodology of Kambo.
Since then numerous Kambo Naturista trainings have taken place. The program is continually evolving, thanks to the amazing contribution of all our practitioners.

The term Naturista is used by ayahuasca shamans in Peru to describe a person that works with natural medicines and lives a natural lifestyle. The natural approach is strongly rooted in our organization and has added great depth to our practice and teachings.
The ancient wisdoms of the Amazon are under threat. As the younger generations of the indigenous peoples are increasingly swept up into the globalized system/machine, they become ever less interested in their traditional medicine. The Kambo Naturista organization has made it its mission to provide some of that wisdom as part of its training, in order to keep its spirit alive.
It is our intention to integrate those traditional, holistic and shamanic together with modern methods, to provide an optimal combination, and a safe and solid foundation for any sincere Kambo seeker, whether a client, patient or student.
Any Amazonian Native or Mestizo is eligible to receive free treatments and training by Kambo Naturista. We hope that this exchange will help to give back a part of something that they have lost through time. We work closely with the Matses tribe, which is the only group of people in Peru to have preserved their knowledge about the use of Kambo. They play an invaluable role in our training program, and also supply us with our medicine. We pay them a fair rate for this, which helps them make a good living for themselves and support their families and their community. The Kambo frogs are also very dear to us, and for that reason we have been developing ways to avoid the possible harm created by the extraction of their medicine. All of our practitioners that purchase Kambo sticks through our organization are directly supporting our project to create ponds in the jungle. These ponds are the most suitable habitat for Kambo frogs, and provide them with a peaceful place to live and procreate. In this way, we try to preserve the frogs from extinction. Unfortunately, the high interest in Kambo has also a dark side. Selling the medicine can be a profitable enterprise, causing some people to milk the frogs ruthlessly, without thought for their survival or wellbeing. Kambo Naturista rejects any financial gain from selling medicine. It only provides Kambo sticks to individuals from the KN community, and a third of the payment goes to the pond project, with the rest going to the Matses.